Shurtape P-661
Glow in the Dark Gaffers Tape
Glow Tape
P-661 Glow-in-the-dark specialty gaffer's tape 2 inch, for use in safety marking and a multitude of applications in the audio/visual, television, photography, theatrical and motion picture industries. Constructed with a premium photo luminescent pigment that provides increased glow intensity and extended glow duration, P661 is hand-tearable in both directions, writable and printable with a non-smearing surface, conforms to complex 3D surfaces and removes cleanly when the job is done.
Shurtape glow-in-the-dark Gaffer’s tape may be used in numerous applications from crafts and special effects to safety where visibility in darkness is necessary. P- 661 is excellent for use in homes, hospitals, schools, business offices, manufacturing plants and other public facilities to label and identify various objects, such as:
• Safety & critical equipment
• Exit & directional signage
• Tripping hazards
• Access handles
• Sports equipment
• Tools